American donations dropped for several reasons, he said.
In the New York region, donations have dropped by 6,000 pints, or 15 percent.
At the same time, however, donations have dropped during the late winter months, said Mariadora Saladino, the executive director.
And political donations from computer and software companies have dropped, according to Clinton fund raisers.
Attendance and donations dropped sharply when they discovered the extent of his heterodoxy.
Those donations have dropped so much that the fund almost had to cancel a summer camp program that was one of its more controversial projects.
They worried that church attendance, and donations, might drop.
Schaap noted that donations dropped and staff lay-offs occurred before his arrest.
However, donations for new purchases have dropped recently, to $1.3 million in 2010 from $2.7 million in 2006.
The board, nearly half of whom are alumni, were behind the changes, and donations had not dropped but were actually on the rise, officials said.