By yesterday, donations were flowing into the Woodstock.
Membership of the Trust grew steadily, volunteers worked, donations of money, plants and materials flowed in, and Pukeiti, as the gardens have become known, flourished.
The groups say donations have flowed steadily, from individuals, churches and businesses.
Following this publicity, charitable donations flowed from around the nation to help the beleaguered farmer.
The car washes began, and the donations flowed.
Public support was overwhelming, and donations flowed in the form of financial assistance as well as donations in-kind such as body bags and clothes.
That works out to more than $880,000 for each rescuer's family, and with donations still flowing in, many families could collect $1 million or more from these charities alone.
In the months before Christmas, donations flowed freely to the flood victims, many of whom were not used to accepting help.
Then in the 1980's, politicians discovered the soft-money loophole, through which donations could flow to parties instead of candidates.
The donations flowed in quickly as the rich were unable to resist this persuasive woman.