When word got out, donations poured in, and continued for years.
Donations poured in from all over the country to support the families of the victims who lost their lives.
Despite this problem, donations still pour in from other sources.
Private donations are pouring in, enough to provide half of the nearly $40,000 needed each week to finance the investigation.
Despite the poor performances of the three candidates donations had poured in from all over the country to help them fight the campaign.
When Lucky's story was released to the public, donations poured in to help pay for the transplant.
Donations poured in from Czechs living abroad, and even elderly women within the country sent 100-crown notes through the mail.
As more and more people listened to the show, donations poured in to keep the show on the air.
Donations have poured in from 40 states, allowing the synagogue to offer $3,000 to every family in the congregation that needs it.
Bilateral, multilateral, and private donations of food and other relief supplies poured into the country by late 1984.