Dependence of the sector on donor assistance is limited.
While Arafat requested international donor assistance for his police force in early 1993, substantial coordination did not occur before the deployment of the Palestinian Police to Gaza and Jericho in 1994.
The directorate is in charge of implementing the sector policy, coordinating donor assistance and regulating service providers.
Clearly, without donor assistance, the government cannot afford to compensate families and farmers fairly.
William Taylor Jr., the "special representative for donor assistance," calls himself the "lesser" of the titleholders.
It includes 19 donor countries and 13 international organizations that meet annually to coordinate donor assistance.
To facilitate this goal, the government has actively courted donor assistance and foreign investment.
These steps, combined with donor assistance and with political stability since the multi-party elections in 1994, have led to dramatic improvements in the country's growth rate.
The two sides agreed on the importance of continued international donor assistance in helping both sides to implement agreements.
This includes the reestablishment of a legal and institutional framework as well as coordinating the very considerable amounts of donor assistance that are supporting the economy.