One live donor has died in the United States and others have suffered complications.
When the donor dies, the remainder of the trust is transferred to the charity.
A state investigation found that the donor had died after receiving "woefully inadequate care."
There is no reduction in inheritance tax if the donor dies within three years of the transfer.
The donor died in December of 2010 of unrelated causes.
A common one occurs when a donor dies after making a pledge, leaving family members or heirs a chance to back out.
By law, an organ that becomes available must be offered to patients in the region where the donor died before being offered to other areas.
When the donor dies, what remains in the trust goes to charity.
When the donors die, any assets remaining in the trust are transferred to the charity.
The 26 year old donor had died of heart failure in December 2004 after consuming cocaine and ecstasy.