Doctors hope the technique will save the lives of hundreds of children who die every year while waiting for donor livers from cadavers.
Even before this, you might want to get on the list somewhere for a donor liver.
A possible donor liver was found last night which could save the life of Linda Prime, two.
Other things assessed prior to surgery include the anatomy of the donor liver.
Sir: Sunday's television appeal for a donor liver highlights the acute shortage of replacement organs but not its true extent.
In January of 2000 he received a donor liver, however the transplant was unsuccessful.
They argued that offering intestine transplants earlier, before liver failure developed, would leave donor livers for other desperate recipients.
Some felt that his fame had permitted him to receive a donor liver in just one day, bypassing other patients who had been waiting for much longer.
The donor liver was the right blood group.
But just two weeks before his death, the couple had been celebrating after a last-ditch nationwide appeal found a donor liver to save the life of their baby.