The public is left to worry that big donors will be seeking a payback later.
Furthermore, many donors seek a sense of affiliation and wish to be a part of large and successful organizations - the "winning team," so to speak.
So far, no prospective donor has sought an endorsement or even a public acknowledgment as a result of a gift.
The agency also uncovered troubling correspondence showing that big donors sought political favors in connection with their gifts.
In other instances where donors or their families have sought the return of philanthropic gifts, the matters have sometimes moved into lawsuits.
Coordinating private philanthropy alone will not produce the results that donors or taxpayers seek.
Some large donors sought Mr. Gingrich's help on legislative issues.
Some large donors may seek even greater privacy.
For special-interest donors seeking influence, making a contribution to retire such a debt is the sweetest deal in all of politics.
Some private donors may seek remuneration although others donate for altruistic reasons.