From its inception it was universally considered by experts to be a doomed project.
Yet this man didn't pay heed to his intuition; he went ahead with his doomed project, ignoring the unconscious part of himself that knew in advance what would happen.
But we did learn why the big society is probably a doomed project.
So many teams want a new home - the Mets in Queens, the Yankees in the Bronx, the Jets with their doomed project in Manhattan.
Its egomaniacal star, a boy-wonder producer, has sunk a small fortune in a doomed project, dragging down with him a business partner who has invested his wife's dwindling inheritance.
And he offers some entertaining commentary from both actors and critics on doomed projects.
So the idea that men and women should be like gods was a non-starter, and the name of the doomed project was called Babel.
Perhaps Eddie Izaard will turn up to give it the kiss of death like all other doomed projects he has turned up to endorse.
The Yucca Mountain project has something going for it that previous doomed projects lacked.
It's a doomed project, owing both the the long-standing Japanese suspicion of foreigners and to the intricate codes and hierarchies that govern Amélie's workplace.