"It is not true that our athletes tried to evade doping control."
Simpson was known to have taken sports enhancing drugs during his career, at a time when there was no doping control.
Tampering or attempted tampering with any part of doping control.
"I have got a shock and was in this condition until being tested at the doping control," Samadov wrote in the letter.
As stage winner and general classification leader, Pollentier had to go to the doping control.
Karstens was angry and after the finish quickly went away, but forgot that he had to go to the doping control.
Kolobnev was the only cyclist to leave the 2011 race in connection with adverse findings at a doping control.
After every stage, around four cyclists had been selected for the doping controls.
The next day (24 July) Vinokourov failed a doping control following his time trial victory.
When the officials tried to get Ivanchuk to participate in the doping control, he refused and stormed out.