For a doping violation to occur, the backup sample must validate the initial finding.
Some of soccer's sanctions for doping violations have been as short as six months.
No athlete has ever had a hearing for a doping violation that was based on evidence other than a failed drug test.
Under the plan, athletes would still be allowed to compete in some events while they served punishments for doping violations.
Confirmation of the A sample result is needed for a doping violation to occur.
That request was denied last month, and the agency then charged Landis with a doping violation.
He also said that a high testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio alone could result in a doping violation, even if the carbon test is negative.
Her case remains in the early stages, and no doping violation has been declared.
In 1995 he was suspended for two years after a doping violation.
He also said that four years was simply too harsh a penalty for doping violations.