The university has a student senate composed of one senator elected by their floor peers to represent their respective dorm floor, a proportionate number of senators elected to represent students who live off campus, and a representative for the Student Activities Committee and Student Worship Committee.
When he got back into the elevator Phyllis was already inside, coming back up from the dorm floor.
She gave her dreads a shake and wrapped the towel around her, stepping out of the puddle of water into the main bathroom all the girls on the dorm floor shared.
So after building a big green salad in the kitchen he went to the window room on the dorm floor, and watched while eating, glancing from time to time at the florid sunset over Ascraeus.
Soon enough, Mother left me with a cheerful, stiff-upper-lip parting, and I began to explore my immediate surroundings, beginning with my dorm floor.
There are no dorm floors packed with friends playing PlayStation 2, and most of his teammates now go home to their wives and children.
These are average guys who met on the same dorm floor during college and presumably didn't even think about how unusual a mixed-raced mainstream pop group might be.
It takes place almost entirely within their dorm floor, 5 South.
Amateur videos posted online showed brutal attacks, and Han chasing Uyghurs through the dorm floors.
A few years later in college, at SUNY Binghamton, he and a friend (and fellow juggler) taught the skill to everyone on their dorm floor.