The compound provided significant protection from cocaine overdose in rats only at the lowest dose tested in the measurement series.
Bladder capacity was increased by clozapine given i.t. or i.c.v. only at the highest dose tested (Fig 1G; 2G).
A drug passes efficacy trials if it is effective at the dose tested and against the illness for which it is prescribed.
The lowest dose tested in one trial produced the most favorable long term results and was associated with least adverse effects.
Based on urinary recovery, the mean extent of its absorption is approximately 25%, with large intersubject variability (6-60%) at all doses tested (5-80 mg).
The dose that would be used to treat MS is five times lower than the lowest dose tested in the transplant studies.
To the Editor: Genentech has decided to price the cancer drug Avastin at $100,000 per year for doses tested for lung and breast cancer.
The doses tested for treating pathological gambling were between 25-100 mg per day.
The peak pressure during contraction was not changed by any of the doses of olanzapine tested in this study (Fig.
When inhaled, these effects included birth defects in mice, but only at the highest dose tested (3000 ppm for 7 hours/day).