There were snipers dotted about on the roofs, all of them linked by radio.
Among them stood pink, three-storey blocks, dotted about, seemingly to no particular plan.
Them's the sheep right away over there - see, dotted about on those slopes.
Here and there in the grounds I could see people dotted about.
There were lamps, brackets and other pieces of equipment dotted about.
From far below, I had seen other trees dotted about, speckled with white.
There were a couple of people out there, dotted about on the steps, making conversation, enjoying a drink and the evening.
If you could see humanity spread out in time, as God sees it, it would not look like a lot of separate things dotted about.
It was a big formal place, white columns at the front, symmetrical evergreen trees dotted about.
There was an orchard with plank tables dotted about under the trees.