Total dot gain is the difference between the dot size on the film negative and the corresponding printed dot size.
Choice of dot size is equivalent to choosing the bandwidth for a kernel density estimate.
In AM screening, dot size varies depending on object density-tonal values; dots are placed in a fixed grid.
In other words, the emitted photon energy increases as the dot size decreases because greater energy is required to confine the semiconductor excitation to a smaller volume.
Dot-based printing methods have a finite native dot size.
Depending on the printer technology the dot size or grid shape may not be uniform.
Contone varies the dot size to achieve a simulation of continuous tone.
The sheets were available in a wide variety of dot size and distribution, which gave the artist a range of tones to use in the work.
Second, the subjective nature of the dot size and spacing could give the map a biased view.
The quantum dot active region may also be engineered to operate at different wavelengths by varying dot size and composition.