You can also put links to articles in the edit summary - just put double brackets around the article title like you would normally.
The two most common link patterns in wikis are CamelCase and free links (arbitrary phrases surrounded by some set delimiter, such as double square brackets).
With the new syntax, additional information can be specified in a form of an attribute enclosed in double square brackets.
In formal semantics, double brackets, , also called Strachey brackets, are used to indicate the semantic evaluation function.
A frequent practice is to use double curly brackets (i.e. ) to call values of the given key from data files, often JSON objects.
Among its Italianate elements are its cubical shape, a shallow hip roof, and large eaves supported by double brackets.
The Department will no longer accept only those pages in which information in double brackets has been excluded.
(c) Filing of business proprietary documents and public versions under the one-day lag rule; information in double brackets.
(iv) Information in double brackets.
The eaves have the same double brackets as the main and verandah rooflines.