Its characteristic pose, a double coil with a figure of eight, with the head poised in the center, permits it to lash out like a released spring.
The ignition was jump spark with a double coil and it had a cone clutch that was "leather faced."
The tungsten is arranged in a double coil in order to fit it all in a small space.
There was a large switchboard at the opposite end, while around the room, in ordered groups, stood the familiar double coils, each five feet in diameter.
With light gray concrete walls and red metal roofs, it could pass for an immense new Comfort Inn were it not for double coils of razor wire and slotted windows.
Soldiers of the French Foreign Legion used a particular type of double-loop garrotte (referred to as la loupe), where a double coil of rope or cord is dropped around a victim's neck and then pulled taut.
Ro and Galveth were each about three meters long; but half of that was in the thick, rudder-tipped tail, on whose double coil the legless torso sat.
Equipped with double coils, the new pickup boasted greater output and less hum.
The majority of these pickups maintain the physical appearance of a larger, double coil humbucker pickup.
In 1867, he petitioned the United States Congress for a retrospective patent on his inventions of the late 1830s: the spiral conductor, the circuit breakers, the double helical coil.