Most of them are single, but there is one double form called Waterlily - a name that didn't demand much imagination in arriving at.
It has white flowers that stand out against green foliage, and many gardeners have sought the double form.
There is also a double form which I think is far less graceful.
Many people decide based on the flowers, which run the gamut from white to pink to red, in single, semidouble and double forms.
A double form, mostly used on steam locomotives, allowed easy reversing.
There are many colors now available, from pure milk white, to pink, rose, and near red, along with single to fully double forms.
The grandifloras have large flowers and can be purchased in double form.
It is an old garden favourite, and of the double forms there are named varieties.
A large number of the names seem to have double forms like this, almost as if one people spoke two languages.
In fact, there is a double form of this snowdrop that is truly worth having.