Neukölln (correctly spelled with a double "L") is a district of Berlin.
In Italian, "collina," spelled with a double "l," means hill, but apparently the name also refers to one of the owner's children.
"For double L and double T, the Scots should look across the sea!"
"Paella," Mrs Schoenbaum announced, pronouncing the double clear L as a single dark one.
Whenever he's entering a room he'll say "the b-i-g c-h-i double l is in the hizouse".
The two L's are pronounced as a double L (as in village).
The word 'smallband' (double l) in Dutch is an anglicism.
Lee named the horse "Traveller" (spelling the word with a double "L" in British style).
When the suffix is added to a word ending in double l, no additional l is added; for example, full becomes fully.
"C - R - U - double L -" The statement stood out in his mind.