The title is a double pun; the piece itself is a replay of an earlier one by Ms. Nolan, and the bottle tops are playfully recycled.
His face twisted at the double pun.
Its use by Middleton is in fact a double pun.
This is a double pun in reference to the drink and the people - all the more so since Connery is Scottish himself.
As the hologram had pointed out, 'Mushin' meant 'No-Mind' and was a double pun on what the creatures were and what they did.
The album title is a double pun on the German idioms:
A related painting is "Appealing," in which the figures themselves are widely separated - giving force to the double pun of the title.
Another double pun is "The Intersex," a cutout of a computer-monitor-shaped head.
A double pun in that hops are a major ingredient in beer making.
Cicero informed me that Favonius is now known around the Forum as Cato's Ape, a delicious double pun.