In some areas, the Sámi still had to pay double taxes, though.
It's not fair to double tax by taxing the shareholder on the same profits.
This plan also places a double tax on retired civil service employees and others with pension plans that already provide this coverage.
The double tax affects about 54 million Americans.
President Bush has said he is attacking the double tax on dividends in an attempt to help economic growth in the long term.
That means at the end of the year, I would be paying double taxes on some of the purchases.
Section 8 (1A) (c) has relief for double tax.
For that reason from 1445, double tax was paid i.e. half of each pfennig had to be paid to the town council.
Abolition of the double tax helps stabilize the stock market.
The way to reduce the double tax is to reduce corporate tax rates.