During the twelve months ended March 2003, over 120,000 people used the station, and this doubled within five years.
He said the owners were considering doubling its size within two years.
At 14 percent, his money will nearly double within five years, to $1.88 million.
He also predicted that Lifetime's annual sales, then about $106 million, would double within five years.
That number, he said, should double within two years as more retailers contribute information.
The population of the municipality is expected to double within twenty three years.
The population is expected to double within twenty years.
If we get in now, we'll double our capital within two years.
There are now an estimated 15,000 detainees - a number that is expected to double within three years.
The situation is already serious, and if the number of flights doubles within 12-13 years it will become even worse.