OUR NERVES 117 magnesium each occur as doubly charged ions.
When an oxygen vacancy is present in the lattice it acts as a doubly charged electron donor.
The situation was doubly charged regarding Mr. Alter, who has often chastised news organizations for journalistic and ethical lapses.
The k' pathway implicates a reaction between the doubly charged anion (RCHO) and the aldehyde.
As the singly charged particles pass through the plasma, they are further ionized creating the doubly charged secondary beam.
This is equivalent to saying that they can exist in three charged states, the doubly charged, the singly charged, and the neutral.
As early as 1979, there was reasonable evidence of the doubly charged state from the Columbia-Brookhaven collaboration.
Again, the neutral and doubly charged states are experimentally easier to detect, and these were discovered in 1997 by the CLEO Collaboration.
She was doubly charged with sorcery, the imagined origin of her sway over women, and heresy, because of her allegedly Manichean opposition to marriage.
"Yes, and doubly charged," was the answer.