"One shilling each," said the dour-looking man behind the turnstiles.
Per's father, a dour-looking man, was speechless; yet his staring at Ruth was as unremitting as his wife's mounting hysteria.
The coroner was a dour-looking man with a large shiny forehead and an ill-fitting suitcoat with six-inch- wide lapels.
In the gloomy confines, a dour-looking man with a nose as large as a dill pickle held court before a half dozen other freak aficionados.
I remember flying overnight from New York to London next to a dour-looking middle-aged man who kept his peace until his second Scotch.
A bearish, dour-looking man answered the door and acknowledged in the most somber tones that he was indeed Taylor Fullbright.
He was a dour-looking man with a pockmarked face who stood at 5 foot 8 inches, weighed 183 pounds, had brown hair and brown eyes, and was well built.
And of course there are pictures of Barrie himself, a dour-looking little man with a large moustache and nothing Depp-like about him.
He was a thin, dour-looking man of maybe forty-five going on sixty, with less hair than I had, all gray, and one of the biggest noses this side of the ocean.
He was a rather dour-looking man in glasses.