Mountain roots like lanceolata, sliced and marinated in chili paste, are downright exotic.
To Ms. Phillips-Patrick, who made flash cards to help her memorize the drink recipes, bartending is downright exotic.
Splendor in the Grass Although grass probably seems ubiquitous and uninteresting in most parts of the country, in New York City it can be downright exotic.
Enough time has gone by for music that once sounded unbearably saccharine and cutesy to sound downright exotic.
In contrast to the two other works, a new piece for flute and string quartet by Mr. O'Connor may seem downright exotic.
Swamps, trucks, guns, the twanging of a banjo: the idea struck me as downright exotic.
Horse Sense In a city where riding usually refers to the subway, a horse can seem downright exotic.
With the cilantro, it's downright exotic.
And that he was the son of Charles Merrill, one of the founders of Merrill Lynch, whose first impulse upon hearing of his young son's homosexuality was to have his lover assassinated, makes it downright exotic.