His parents were in their mid-forties, which seemed a might young for senility to strike, but their behavior was gittin' downright odd.
"Downright odd, she seemed," so ran Nurse Hopkins's narrative later.
Many travelers may find the idea of tethering themselves to cyberspace while they are taking in faraway places downright odd.
And the school put so much strain on them that some became downright odd.
There is at least a possibility of failure for some consumer electronics devices, but the glitches are still rare and, in some cases, downright odd.
Not only that, it looked downright odd, as if you stood a chance of falling over while attempting it.
Over all, most of the samples were disappointing, and some were downright odd.
Choices that might seem delightfully quirky in another setting can appear, in a theater work, downright odd.
Much of it is universal too, for this wonderfully quirky - all right, downright odd - adventure is about the financial crash.
This seems downright odd, since most of the world's great concert halls contain pipe organs.