The delightful Shashi runs spicy cooking lessons in the downstairs kitchen.
The superb breads, all made in Meridiana's downstairs kitchen, are simple and unsurprising.
These were still warm from the downstairs kitchen and came in all sorts of healthy-and tasty-varieties.
After the test, they lingered in the downstairs kitchen.
Breakfast was served on a round oak table in the downstairs kitchen.
There was a second, ground floor entrance to the general's home, to the right of the steps, beyond a gate, where deliveries were made to the downstairs kitchen.
The maître d' returns, scowling, and we are banished to the downstairs kitchen.
Normally we'd buy our meals from the downstairs kitchen, but for breakfast we had our own food so we didn't have to get up till late.
I sat indoors in the ill-lit downstairs kitchen, with my foot bandaged, and mused darkly and read.
This time, I know only that the lamb went back to the downstairs kitchen and was cooked a while longer.