He pressed the controls for the downstairs lights, to cut off any lucky retreat by The Shadow.
Laura checked the locks before shutting off the downstairs lights and returning to her room.
Then, checking the security panel one more time, she turned out all of the downstairs lights and then went to the intercom.
I locked the door behind me and turned the downstairs lights on.
A couple of downstairs lights suggested that it was open, but of customers Karelius could see no sign.
Trouble was, the only things that reactivated after power was applied were the downstairs lights.
The downstairs lights were on; they might alert someone to their presence.
Thank goodness she had put the downstairs lights on.
I locked the front door and those of the rooms that gave on to the hall, put out the downstairs lights, and followed.
She turned off the downstairs lights and checked on Christo.