Several studies have shown that the dam has delivered negative economic value when its effect on downstream communities was taken into account.
One of the main concerns of local and downstream communities relates to the effects that the mine would have on water quality and quantity.
It is designed to benefit water quality downstream during dry summer conditions and provide year round flood control capability to protect downstream communities.
Little is known on the impact of the dams on downstream communities in Ethiopia.
Heavy rains last spring and fall caused reservoirs to overflow, inundating downstream communities.
Project releases will be regulated to protect downstream communities and to avoid spillway flow.
Several studies have shown that these dams have delivered negative economic value when their effect on downstream communities was taken into account.
Stakeholder forums link upstream and downstream communities to build consensus on water and waste management issues.
In addition the removal of the dam and accumulated alluvial sediment would be complex especially given the downstream communities and environment.
Water impacts threaten fish, wildlife, downstream communities, and transportation in the McKenzie delta.