The dam is still erect, even though part of its lower downstream face fell off.
The dam's spillway will be a chute-type on the center of the downstream face.
The dam's downstream face had a pitch of 1.05:1.
The downstream, grass-covered faces are sometimes supported by stone arches.
Nicholas stopped the machine in the middle of the river bed while he studied the downstream face of the dam wall for its weakest section.
The original dam had a near-vertical downstream face built in an arch form.
Eddies are formed, like hydraulics, on the downstream face of an obstruction.
Although the leakage slowed, four years later moisture could still be observed on the downstream face.
Currently, the dam does not impound a reservoir and a large segment of its lower downstream face has fallen off.
The downstream face of the dam was vertical until near its abutment where it slightly curves out.