Each station passes or repeats the special token frame around the ring to its nearest downstream neighbour.
The newly generated trail bypasses the IP layer of the router, as the packets transparently flow from the upstream to the downstream neighbour.
The relationship to the downstream neighbor, SNAP23 is also interesting.
Nevertheless, some of them acknowledge that Turkey's downstream neighbors have no guarantees of protection should relationships suddenly turn nasty.
The downstream neighbors protested vehemently.
Both countries allege that Turkey is intentionally withholding supplies from its downstream neighbors, turning water into a weapon.
The rule is that those on the upper reaches must not take any action that is detrimental to their downstream neighbours.
New Delhi's downstream neighbors are forced to treat the water heavily, hiking up the cost.
Also in 1904, construction of a railroad began in Fairbanks and Chena, its downstream neighbor.
Iraq, the far downstream neighbor, has been mostly a bystander because of its international isolation.