He could not get out of bed legs upright, so he had to leave it head and shoulders first, in a slanting downward fall.
These prices have undergone an unprecedented downward fall during the period between 1990 and 2010, when the price of electricity from these sources dropped about 25 times.
The end of the novel gains force from its fast downward fall, like a fall from grace.
Check levels frequently (a slight downward fall will shed water)
Mnementh, calling on hidden reserves of strength, spread his wings to check their downward fall.
Koma is at her side, seemingly petrified in a downward fall.
I want the sun to be sparkling on rain drops so small and attenuated that they are unable to complete their downward fall.
That all these spears, with points of shame, Shall be deflected, and downward fall!
I threw my weight on the front part of the platform, and we commenced our downward fall at a sharp angle.
He went limp, com-mitted to the downward fall.