Then, as echoes still persisted, The Shadow took to the downward flight of steps.
The Tao rallied them, when he yanked open a brass door and pointed to a downward flight of steps.
Behind the heap of detritus, we found the beginning of a downward flight of steps.
A disk the size of a silver dollar shone upon the topmost step of the downward flight.
Light blazed for a second from the wings of the Spitfire, and the enemy plane began a steady downward flight, unchecked towards the fields below.
It turned completely over to reveal a dark opening with a downward flight of stairs running off into the blackness below.
And over the chief's hold the flying thing began a slow downward flight.
In the end, it will be impossible to stop the downward flight.
After negotiating a short but steep downward flight of stairs, Razka led him into the firebase's operations center.
So, while a light clip allows downward flight indoors, it does not prevent a bird gaining lift if it should escape outdoors.