Those most likely to be caught in this new, downward flow are young people from the poorest homes.
This decrease in lift combined with a strong downward flow of air can cause the thrust required to remain at altitude to exceed what is available.
The researchers noted that the downward flow is also thought to be responsible for the "drift" of the earth's tectonic plates.
Creation is a continuous process, as without the downward flow of spiritual light from God's will, creation would revert to nothingness.
The crying began sometime after the mud ceased its downward flow.
Associated with a thermal is a downward flow surrounding the thermal column.
A monopoly such as Vanderbilt had been trying to build would choke off the downward flow of wealth.
Radiators first used downward vertical flow, driven solely by a thermosyphon effect.
In Gothic cathedrals the light flows up to dominate the downward flow of masonry.
This downward flow pushes the bubbles near the glass towards the bottom.