The minimum price would be accompanied by an "aggressive" public health campaign and a more draconian approach to curtailing the sale of alcohol in shops, pubs and clubs.
If that were the case then it's not clear why the first amendment rights of the media were violated and why such a draconian approach was taken.
However, as we shall see, the enormous ramifications of this draconian approach by the police were not always as intended.
As Larry suggests, most voters supported parties advocating a less draconian approach to the deficit.
Instead, Beijing prefers a more draconian approach, reflecting its belief that gambling is inextricably linked to corruption.
But the findings of the department's research suggest that ministers may need to take a more draconian approach to forcing the work-shy back into employment.
Other than the draconian approach to looters he describes, what else can you tell us about the attitudes of the Haitian elite?
Microsoft, industry analysts say, seems to have adopted a draconian approach.
This draconian approach to handicap may be understandable in a country that, before escaping from communist rule, carried out over 50 abortions for every 100 live births.
The people who are proposing this have now gone to the draconian approach of confiscation.