Moreover one of Clive's many draconian rules was an absolute ban on personal visitors during school hours.
The problem, human rights campaigners say, is that the Japanese system achieves this record in part by draconian rules and mind-boggling regimentation.
Gyanendra's draconian rule has finally destroyed the carefully cultivated illusion that a king is necessary to hold the country together.
The school has previously been accused of 'draconian' uniform rules after excluding children for not wearing navy socks which was widely reported in local media.
Nor can the draconian rules keep all potential terrorists off the streets.
He is known by his subjects for his draconian rule.
The campaign was targeted at the draconian rules framed under the Information Technology Act, 2000.
No need to have an over-inclusive, draconian rule that penalizes a player for the vagaries of the weather.
Merkel, under great pressure from public opinion, likes the idea of forcing the rest of the eurozone to live according to draconian rules on spending.
They are now going to be facing the draconian rules introduced by the Republic of Ireland Government.