The cost of preparing the draft human genome has been about $300 million.
Until the draft human genome is truly complete, detailed regional physical maps will be indispensable for genetic studies.
Other papers demonstrated how PacBio sequence data could be used to upgrade draft genomes to complete genomes.
Conclusions In conclusion, there are estimated to be 30,000 non-synonymous differences between an individual and the draft genome [ 23 5 7 8 9 ] .
A draft genome was made available in 2011.
Celera, whose data are available by subscription, never intended to carry its draft genome to completion.
To validate the draft genome, transcriptome analysis was also carried out.
Could someone explain to me what a draft genome can be used for?
Most bacterial strains will be sequenced and assembled as draft genomes.
The draft genome of the transgenic tropical fruit tree papaya (Carica papaya Linnaeus).