The draft proposed massive civil disobedience if the British did not accede to the demands.
An early draft proposed a three-year wage freeze, but the final version does not specificy the savings.
Significantly, the latest draft proposed presidential elections next November, but even this is now in doubt.
A draft White House policy paper has proposed linking relaxation of export controls to systems that included key escrowing.
The draft also proposes a single foreign minister for the union.
The first draft of the bill proposed a return to nine justices, thus preventing tie votes on the Court and providing a justice for each circuit.
The defeated draft proposed that voters cast their ballot for a party list with the option of picking a specific candidate.
A draft circular proposes a new one year course for parents and other mature students, like nursery nurses, with experience of young children.
The 32-page draft proposes a system of military commissions similar to those that were struck down last month by the Supreme Court.
Initially, the Commission's draft proposed creating secure websites.