Complaints persisted, and the Chancellor responded by circulating draft revisions.
The weeks ahead are quite likely to see draft revisions as other council members try to add or remove provisions.
Through engaging with a range of stakeholders, we identified opportunities to enhance the guidance and have produced a draft revision for consultation.
Recently, a secret draft revision of the national park system's basic management policy document has been circulating within the Interior Department.
The draft revisions eliminate the reference to environmental security, and emphasize instead that it is the Pentagon's role to sustain the national defense mission.
The last draft revision was released on October 6, 2008.
The report on the main findings will be circulated in parallel to the draft revision of the directive.
Its work has already led to a draft revision of the Commission's implementing regulation.
To that end it requested the presidency to prepare a general outline for a draft revision of the treaties.
The draft revision to the 2011 instructions should be available to the public later this fall.