They still do, but nowadays everyone from athletic types to drag queens joins in.
Don't think we had too many drag queens back then, eh?
The main character of the film is a drag queen, and yet nearly all the audience members could say they were not drag queens.
As opposed to drag queens who may display smooth, sweeping motions while portraying women.
Drag queens were frequently featured on the show, usually in fun, and some even dressed as Sally impersonators.
Everyone had their own style, from Gothic queens to drag queens.
"I was used to drag queens, and all these women up there seemed programmed to have careers as perfect wives."
Drag queens and supermodels have had their moment; now mothers are back.
For 10 years, a club night called Squeezebox has brought together drag queens, rockers and dancers.
They still do, but nowadays everyone from athletic types to drag queens joins in.
Don't think we had too many drag queens back then, eh?
The main character of the film is a drag queen, and yet nearly all the audience members could say they were not drag queens.
As opposed to drag queens who may display smooth, sweeping motions while portraying women.
Drag queens were frequently featured on the show, usually in fun, and some even dressed as Sally impersonators.
Everyone had their own style, from Gothic queens to drag queens.
"I was used to drag queens, and all these women up there seemed programmed to have careers as perfect wives."
Drag queens and supermodels have had their moment; now mothers are back.
For 10 years, a club night called Squeezebox has brought together drag queens, rockers and dancers.