When Glaurung personally attacked Brethil with fire, Túrin was shocked to see the dragon avoid the Mound of Finduilas, although it meant travelling far out of his way.
Daunted by his first, ill-starred venture into the air, the dragon avoided aeronautics altogether, preferring to crouch on a beetling ledge above the cavern, wings folded tightly over his head.
The dragons did not avoid these dyed sheep, though the natural white ones still seemed preferred.
The splendid animals were efficient killers, but for reasons unknown to Braan, the dragons avoided the hunters, as if they were cognizant of the cliff dwellers' potential for retribution.
Soon it would be sent to fight an Enemy that neither man nor even the long-lived dragon can finally avoid.
Hinblue followed him out; grazing was always worthwhile, and the dragons would avoid this storm.
I did not relish the notion of proceeding alone on foot into an aversive jungle, but I hoped that dragons and other monsters would also be avoiding it.