Then the dragon dropped the box into its own shopping cart.
The dragon, long past feeling any mortal pain, dropped to the ground and padded into the darkness of the catacombs.
To everyone's surprise, the dragon dropped his head toward their cluster and made a funny snort.
The dragon then emerges from the pot with the ball in its mouth and drops it into the hole.
If threatened, the dragon will drop from the trees into the water and either swim to safety or remain submerged for up to 25 minutes.
The dragon closed its wings and dropped like a rock.
The dragon dropped suddenly from the skies, diving for one of the serpents.
The dragon dropped the sword that it was carrying, and Mark without thought bent to pick it up.
Slowly Mark stood up straight, still holding the sword that the dragon had dropped in front of him.
And the white dragon dropped his jaw in a draconic grin.