And all the dragons listen to her.
Since the early morning the dragon had been listening only to radio and television networks talking about 'national bankruptcy', of a nation with its resources destroyed for many years to come.
Then the dragons listened to the growls, and puffed out slow jets of fire, smoke, or steam, depending on their species.
Of course, he did not need to shout, as all the dragons were listening to Carenath, but it served to release adrenaline into his system, and it helped to encourage those who would soon follow him into danger.
Tamianth, Moreta said, hurrying to the dragon's injured side, hoping the dragon might hear her and would listen.
Its typical mode of operation runs roughly along the lines of a sting operation: the dragon will listen for stories of dangerous or evil creatures or persons, then reveal its true form and mete out punishment.
I doubt that dragons will listen to a couple of hysterical princesses, but he"- Antorell pointed at the stone prince-"will have to go.
Aivas's calm voice continued to exhort the green dragons to listen to reason, but he was using reason that the dragons were not in a state to hear.
Tired from the long journey, the dragon finally relaxed and listened to Irida's soothing words.
All human eyes were trained on N'ton; all dragons listened for Lioth's word.