The dragon curved in the air and smashed down, splashing the wet soil.
The first he knew of the battle overhead was when a dragon fell out of the sky and smashed to earth a hundred yards or so in front of him.
As a matter of fact two nights and the day between had gone by (and not altogether without food) since the dragon smashed the magic door, but Bilbo had quite lost count, and it might have been one night or a week of nights for all he could tell.
The entryways and halls leading to the dragon orb were not damaged, except where the dragons had smashed into them.
The dragon slithered over the cut-price hoard, leapt up on to the ledge of one of the hall's big windows, and smashed the stained glass with its head.
From the sounds of it, the dragon was smashing in another part of the castle.
If, however, it was a dragon's Rider who died, then the dragon would often smash their Eldunarí, or arrange for another to smash it for them if their body was no more, thus killing themselves and following their Rider into the void.