The head of a man, whom the dragon has swallowed, is visible between its jaws.
In common, it is believed that the dragon can swallow anyone or anything so the "Makara" symbolically portrays the rich in this story.
It was romantic, if it be romantic that the dragon should swallow St. George.
A dragon has swallowed the moonlight, threatening calamitous consequences.
Finding a dove there, the dragon swallowed it whole.
They'd find his cloak right away, up on the cliff, if the dragon hadn't swallowed it whole.
The dragon snapped at it and swallowed it whole.
Sometimes a dragon would slither through, chomp a faun in half, and swallow the pieces.
A dragon would simply have swallowed the man whole.
The dragon swallowed all the hippopotamuses just as a dog swallows bits of meat.