The dragon swooped over to him, landing on the street beside him.
Then the dragon swooped low and snagged the dead serpent, dragged it away from Haplo.
Both dragons swooped toward the inviting portcullises while their riders shouted and kicked wildly.
The ogre checked its swing, bellowing in pain and surprise as the dragon swooped close by.
As he did so, the hovering dragon swooped, snagging his shirt.
The dragon, screeching in triumph, swooped on her.
The red dragon swooped low over the monastery.
As the dragons swooped low, making their first passes over the town, the dragonfear flowed from them, spreading panic more deadly than fire.
The dragon swooped and turned to pursue them, and was gone.
The dragon swooped down, flew protectively above the dog until it had disappeared into the shadows of the crumbling buildings.