Ray Grimm constructed the blue heron symbol; the group collaborated on the dragon symbol, based on his drawings.
If the S-element takes up the whole of the carpet space, it would be viewed as an image of a dragon itself rather than a dragon symbol.
Later, after you have shown your loyalty to our cause, you, too, may wear the dragon symbol.
The dragon symbol is also represented on the silver Dacian bracelets of the Classical period.
The dragon symbol is older than the concept of the devil, too, which is probably why Satan is depicted with a tail and horns.
For each series of five completed floors, a dragon symbol appears in the upper-right corner of the screen.
After three dragons have been added, the dragon symbols blink.
The various classes of the order had a slight variation of the dragon symbol.
They hurried down the corridor with reckless speed and stopped before a gilded door which bore the royal dragon symbol of Aquilonia.
The choice of red is seemingly based upon following the colour of the Wales jersey, as the badge included a dragon symbol.