Will free schools drain funds and resources - or raise educational standards?
And he said that charter schools would drain badly needed funds from the public schools.
Some traders fear the offering might drain funds from an already hard-pressed market.
They argue that vouchers will drain public funds and the best students from already beleaguered public schools.
The demands of the war had drained funds that could otherwise have been applied to building schools, printing books, and purchasing equipment.
Other physicists correctly fear that the supercollider will drain funds from their research.
He would not drain funds from America's cities and then send Dan Quayle out to mock their poverty.
For many decades, corrupt government officials drained public funds in Haiti.
Audio (32min 32sec), 13 Sep 2011: Will free schools drain funds and resources - or raise educational standards?
As a result, the Fed will have to add reserves to the system to avoid draining funds.