They seem to respect us more than the high school drama coaches, and we have a really great time with the actors.
One such woman became his drama coach, and she encouraged him to pursue an acting career.
Finally during one session the drama coach had gotten through: "Say it again, exactly as before, but just two point three times as loud."
He was also a drama coach at the University of Pittsburgh.
I also want to thank my mother, my drama coach, and my police dog.
He has been a vocal and drama coach for children between the ages of four and 13.
But nobody has praised the drama coach who gave King back his game face.
He is now a private drama coach and working actor based in New York.
Bush arranged focus groups to evaluate his speaking style, while the Gore organization hired a drama coach.
While they'd been talking, the drama coach had arrived and was now pacing around the stage, making notes on a large legal pad.