But if a dramatic discovery has since been made, detectives are keeping it to themselves.
"It's very important," he said in an interview, adding that the finding was "one of the most dramatic underwater discoveries in history."
But excavations into what may be the most dramatic discovery on this site only began in 2007.
It has made dramatic discoveries, including that the brightness of many neutron stars varies up and down more than a thousand times each second.
When, in 1609, Galileo constructed his first telescopes and trained them on the heavens, he made dramatic discoveries.
But now an even more dramatic discovery indicates that the universe is expanding all right, but a mysterious, unknown force may be speeding it up.
Perhaps the most dramatic discovery for me was that I liked don Juan's ways.
"But if he had made some dramatic discovery, wouldn't you be able to find out what it was?"
His most dramatic discovery, a cave almost seven miles deep called Guácharo, has hardly changed.
First, a dramatic discovery of the cause of the magters' in-transigency.