On the east end of the beach, walking out to chest -high water brings you to a dramatic drop-off, a wall going down hundreds of meters.
The regular season starts next week, and the Atlantic Division has already experienced a dramatic drop-off.
Many sites, including the legendary K41 east of town, are easily accessed by walking in from the beach, with dramatic drop-offs just 10m offshore in parts.
"And when the baby-boomer wave goes through, you're going to see a dramatic drop-off in that age group," Mr. Tuba added.
That is a dramatic drop-off from his first 12 games back, when he shot 48.6 percent and averaged 18.3 points.
Since approximately 2006, the City of Springfield has experienced a dramatic, (nearly 50%) drop-off in citywide crime.
He said seeking office tenants was a "clever and appropriate" response to the "most dramatic drop-off in demand on record in New York."
"We don't expect a dramatic drop-off at that position," he said.
With nearly three months remaining before the official decision day, there is the possibility of a serious injury or a dramatic drop-off in Messier's effectiveness.
An aggravating factor was the dramatic drop-off in commercial airliner orders following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.